Massive Price Reduction on Sculpteo White Detail Resin | Sculpteo Blog

Massive Price Reduction on Sculpteo White Detail Resin

Posted By Sculpteo on Feb 29, 2012 | 2 comments

The price of our white resin keeps going down! It’s more than ever the right time to try it out as we are now doing a permanent reduction. Count about 21% off of any objects 3D printed in white resin with Sculpteo.

It really makes a difference on the biggest objects (the small ones were already pretty cheap). An example with our famous octopus sculpture, who jumps from more than $1,000 to $800.

If you’re an architect wanting to 3D print your model, a design or R&D agency looking for a product 3D printed with fast and precision, this new permanent price reduction will interest you!

BEFORE: 20×13,5×19 cm in White Detail Resin = $1,081

AFTER: same size, same material =$850

For all specs on our high quality White Detail Resin, take a look at this page. And if you want to upload your file now for a real-time price estimation, go on and simply upload your file. The quote is free, safe and confidential.

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